Ref No. B 158109
Activate your power of social networking and for revenue sharing. ClikPals.Com aims to help internet users to share into revenues while they connect, share and communicate on the internet with friends, businesses, small and medium enterprises, and corporations. It’s free to join, and anyone can join. Creating a Social and Business Networking Platform by combining the power of social networking to pull in masses of people with online business tools that aims to help the general public internet users around the world to activate their power of social and business networking for revenue sharing on the platform while they connect, share and communicate with their friends, businesses, small and medium enterprises, and corporations to create a robust digital social economy for the planet on both hand held devices and computers.ClikPals
leicester wc2 0la
South West London
wc2e 0la
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Blogs Social Games Classifieds marketplace eCommerce, events ClikPals Business Networking South West London London
ClikPals are listed in; Business Networking Directory : Business Networking in South West London : Business Networking in London