Ref No. B 156695

5 St Margarets Terrace
North Somerset
01934 645237

About Us is a national tenant referencing database that has been created by Landlords for Landlords in order to reference tenants between one another. LandlordReferencing is unique as it does not rely upon the information that a prospective tenant gives you, it relies on the information that they haven’t given you; and it is supplied directly to by their previous landlord. It is an important service because while Landlords can undertake references from credit agencies, employers, friends and family, it does not tell you how a tenant may conduct themselves both in payments and in their lifestyle. Their previous landlord can give a one hundred percent unbiased and informative opinion as they have one to one experience in dealing with the tenant first hand. Therefore we are the only company in the UK to offer a “Lifestyle Reference.” As a member of, you have your own personal data controller/relationship manager Chris; who manages your tenant referencing, keeps you in touch with other landlords in regards to tenants movements on a daily basis & creates, manages & maintains your exclusive LandlordReferencing-Experian account. You have your Social Media & Content Manager Samii; who finds out all the latest property related news for you, controls the content within the website & runs all aspects of our social media sites. You have your Personal Corporate Service Manager Dean; who is currently out on the road, spreading the word of LandlordReferencing. You have your Head of Digital Kenn; who is constantly working to improve your online experience. And last, but certainly not least, you have The Founder & CEO of Paul; who travels around the country, spreading the word of our unique tenant referencing services at exhibitions, property meetings, etc & is always happy to discuss, explain and answer any questions regarding the company. LandlordReferencing enables you to search new tenants and track down previous tenants. It also creates for you a personal file for your own tenants so it is a great way of archiving important information and having your very own personal data controller to keep it updated for you

Tenant Referencing Tenant Alerts Lifestyle Reference Credit/ID Reports Insurance Weston-super-Mare North Somerset Letting Agents are listed in; North Somerset Business Directory : Weston-super-Mare Business Directory : Letting Agents Directory : Letting Agents in Weston-super-Mare : Letting Agents in North Somerset
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