Girl Monday
Park View RoadTowcester
nn12 6al
07517 980094
Girl Monday provides quality company administration, data management and business support services - including all services required for running a small business. Girl Monday provides researching, reviewing, writing and editing services. These skills have been gained from over 20 years experience of working in development engineering, mainly in software, and from 5 years of running a limited company. ''Making order out of chaos'' is a speciality. Business skills include researching, analysing and simplifying information (breaking it down into more understandable information). Editorial skills include writing and reviewing technical documentation, user guides and theses. Data management services include designing new data structures or maintaining, restructuring, amending and generally tidying up existing systems (inc. Paper based ''that box over there'' ones). The business is based in Towcester, Northamptonshire, but can provide many services remotely (writing, research, reviewing,... ). Girl Monday offers a variety of support services to businesses, which can be used to supplement existing needs or when there is a special need (''one off'' tasks, specialise skill, etc. ). General business admin skills include. - All small business admin - Book keeping (including tax, NI and payslips) - Customer accounts - ''making order out of chaos'' General business support skills include. - Creating documentation - Reviewing - General data management - Data base maintenance - Data structure design The main areas of editorial experience is in the technical market (product manuals, requirement specifications... ) and academic (theses). Data management experience includes systems of more than 300 files to manage.
Business support administration Data Management Technical Editing Reviewing Girl Monday Towcester Northamptonshire Business Support Services
Girl Monday are listed in; Northamptonshire Business Directory : Towcester Business Directory : Business Support Services Directory : Business Support Services in Towcester : Business Support Services in Northamptonshire