Media City Services
11 Grange DriveManchester
Greater Manchester
M30 9JG
Media City Services (MCS) sole purpose is to make your life easier! MCS was set up recognising that life as a busy media professional or executive, potentially living away from home and family during the week in a new city, could be challenging. Our aim is to provide you with a wide range of professional and domestic services personalised to your requirements. We are able to support you with our own direct delivery and through a carefully chosen and vetted network of service providers. MCS can offer you help with : Property search , buy or rent in a safe area appropriate to you and your family needs Area orientation and location guidance Domestic services, maintenance, repair and cleaning Privately owned secure storage facility Advice on schools, nurseries and animal care facilities Home decoration and interior design Chauffeuring , gardening , ironing and dry cleaning Shopping services, leisure and recreation Short term accommodation whilst you find your bearings
property finder short term let chauffeur services home decoration domestic services Media City Services Manchester Greater Manchester Concierge Services
Media City Services are listed in; Greater Manchester Business Directory : Manchester Business Directory : Concierge Services Directory : Concierge Services in Manchester : Concierge Services in Greater Manchester
Media City Services