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Business listings provided by UK Small Business Directory
Ray Le Tarouilly Careers Advisory Services
Rivendell, Bradnor View CloseKington
01544 239134
I offer the Morrisby Profile which is a series of aptitude and personality assessments. This will show the client their genuine potential and the sorts of careers that they are most likely to be suited to. The profile can also be used in recruitment to help employers identify staff with the right qualities to meet their business needs. Morrisby can be taken by candidates age 15 upwards, as long as they have reasonable literacy skills in English. I also offer careers guidance interviews and advice with job hunting techniques, careers and educational planning.
Careers guidance Morrisby Profile Educational advice & guidance Job hunting techniques Expertise in further & higher education Ray Le Tarouilly Careers Advisory Services Misc Kington Herefordshire
Ray Le Tarouilly Careers Advisory Services are listed in; Herefordshire Business Directory : Kington Business Directory : Misc Directory : Misc in Kington : Misc in Herefordshire
Ray Le Tarouilly Careers Advisory Services