UAP Fintess Centre
2 Curch Road, BebingtonWirral
CH63 7PH
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A Fitness Centre that is not about you, a Centre that''s about all of us! A Centre where we all work together, a Centre where we compete with each other in a great and non threatening environment. It''s the new type of Fitness Centre that is completely different than what''s out there, most other gyms are all about being on your own. Ultimate Athletic Performance is an anytime Functional Circuit Training Fitness Centre Based in Bebington Wirral. Our Centre and Coaches specialise in helping people lose weight, getting people super fit, getting people back on track and motivated, we get the most out of people! We''re all very motivated and have a passion for what we do, we don''t put you through anything we don''t put ourselves through. We''re nothing like the commercialised gyms (DW, Total or First), ours is a gym where you can be at home, feel free to grunt and groan, infact we encourage you to scream and shout when you workout Our image might portray us as tough, tough without a heart, mean and not very sociable! On the contrary, we are ONLY tough when it comes to training, we are serious when it comes to training, we are serious about getting fit and weight loss. People actually have fun at the UAP, we are serious when it comes to training and weight loss, very serious in fact, but there is also a time for fun. After a good workout you''ll usually find yourself laughing, talking with the other participants who just went through the same gruelling workout.
Fitness Centre Circuit Training Gym health centre functional training UAP Fintess Centre Wirral Merseyside Fitness Trainers
UAP Fintess Centre are listed in; Merseyside Business Directory : Wirral Business Directory : Fitness Trainers Directory : Fitness Trainers in Wirral : Fitness Trainers in Merseyside
UAP Fintess Centre