Ref No. B 148639

Aetorius Marketing Limited

38 Imber Avenue, Boscombe Down, Amesbury
01980 623469

We Specialise in providing a dedicated Telemarketing service for our clientele, Telemarketing can be used successfully in a number of different manners, for instance:

Cleansing Marketing Data Data for marketing campaigns can come from many sources; unfortunately these sources are rarely up to date. Even supposedly new data purchased from a data provider can have a huge number of inaccuracies and errors in it. The only way to ensure that the data you are about to use in your potentially very expensive marketing campaign is to contact each individual record and confirm the data, this can successfully and effectively be carried out by telemarketing. It will save you time effort and money to cleanse your data.

Qualifying Leads Marketing campaigns can generate large numbers of leads but how relevant are they, the only way to ensure that the numerous appointments that your sales team are about to travel to, at considerable expense, is to contact the prospect and have a chat about their needs and requirements in order to ensure they do actual fit with your services and that it is financially worth travelling to visit the prospect. This can easily be achieved via telemarketing and around 68% of companies who use telemarketing use it for this function according to survey of companies by B2B Marketing Magazine in January 2010.

Booking Sales Appointments Telemarketing is a pro-active means of marketing, a good telemarketer will tune into your prospects wavelength identifying their needs and requirements and matching them to your ideal customer profile. Other forms of Marketing such as Direct mailing/emailing and Websites, are not interactive they are often, in the case of mailings just filed in the bin. Emails if they make it past the increasingly aggressive spam filters are also often deleted without reading. Telemarketing is reactive and responsive; a good telemarketer will respond and interact with a prospect building a rapport and understanding of their business. According to the BRB Marketing Magazine survey in January 2010 this is the second biggest use of Telemarketing.

Customer Feedback From time to time companies like to get their clients feedback on their performance, questionnaires typically get filed in the bin (how many have you received and actually filled in and returned in the last year!)Telemarketing can contact your customers and quickly run through your questionnaire and gain vital general feedback. People are often willing to take five minutes talking on a phone answer a few questions when they wouldn't bother taking the time to fill in a questionnaire.

Customer Research It is often beneficial to a company to find out how particular market sectors deals with issues where your company may have a tool of interest. Before launching into a massively expensive marketing campaign carrying out a short telemarketing campaign can identify leading products and companies already operating in the field, highlighting particular strengths or weaknesses in your product which would apply in this sector and give you a general feeling of the openness of this sector to your product or service.

Decision Maker Follow-up one frequent reason for the loss of a sale is that the target decision maker was left with all the information and an interest but just never got around to taking action on that interest. After a sales meeting it is useful to maintain contact with a decision maker and to follow through on his thinking, keeping the subject current in his mind and giving you advance warning of any hitches or potential hitches in the sales process. Often a perceived sale stopper on behalf of the target decision maker can be overcome by your company had you actually been aware of it.

Prospecting Searching for that elusive nugget of information that will lead to the identification of a requirement and ultimately to a sale, sometimes requires being in the right place at the right time, maintaining a contact with event very cold and distant prospects will generate opportunities, telemarketing can keep you in regular contact with a wide range of prospects and allow you to have a working relationship with a large number of companies that may at some point have a requirement for your services. We allow you to snapshot a sector and grab any prospects with immediate needs this can quickly, easily and cost effectively be achieved by telemarketing.

There are also a large number of other ways in which telemarketing can be used, its key assets are the Pro-active and interactive nature of it reacting and responding to the decision maker. If you have a desire to market yourselves, a specific product or service and think that it can't be done effectively and sensibly by telemarketing give us a call and put us to the test.

Telemarketing Marketing B2B Telemarketing Lead Generation Advertising Aetorius Marketing Limited Salisbury Wiltshire Telemarketing
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