Sirens Driving Academy Ltd
31 Mount View, RickmansworthWatford
07984 493798
We specialise in under 17 driving lessons from the age of 14 years, teaching road safety and have trainers from the national driver improvement programme, which hold city and guilds and diploma''s in advance driver techniques. We can also deliver driving lessons in Watford, Harrow, St.Albans, Hatfield, Hemel Hempstead, Chesham, Ruislip and all surrounding areas. If your are looking for a driving instrcutor in Watford or any other area, then listen out for Sirens! We can deliver driver training to companies with fleets of vehicles or just one driver, including trailer training required by anyone who has passed their car test since 1st January 1997. Under the Corporate Manslaughter and Health and Safety act, companies need to be aware of their legal obligation to ensure they provide training for all tools or machinery supplied by them and this includes cars. We can help with this area and ensure you have an auditable process of showing you have provided training to your staff. We can also offer corporate fun days out, at our training centre in Hertfordshire, where you can enjoy close protection style driving and high speed evasive driving in a safe controlled environment. To enjoy your driving and driving lessons, then watch and listen for those Sirens!
driving lessons Watford Automatic driving lessons Trailer training under 17 driving lessons driving lessons Hatfield Sirens Driving Academy Ltd Watford Hertfordshire Driving Lessons
Sirens Driving Academy Ltd are listed in; Hertfordshire Business Directory : Watford Business Directory : Driving Lessons Directory : Driving Lessons in Watford : Driving Lessons in Hertfordshire
Sirens Driving Academy Ltd