Ref No. B 131041

Owen Morris Non Profit

The Studio Stonebank Cottage, Hereford Road, Storridge
WR13 5EL

01886 881092

We help charities, not-for-profit organisations, social enterprises and member-based bodies manage and improve their strategic development and operational performance. We believe that all third-sector organisations face nowadays a competitive environment and need to draw on the best management practices from across all sectors, whilst still keeping their values-based culture. This includes strong strategic management, smart marketing and inspiring organisational leadership. We work with trustee Boards, chief executives and senior managers. Areas we can assist with include research, mission and strategy development, planning, governance, structure, culture and change, branding, service development, communications, income development, and management coaching.

strategy develement Management training Business development Organisational leadership mission development Owen Morris Non Profit Business Development Malvern Worcestershire
Owen Morris Non Profit are listed in; Worcestershire Business Directory : Malvern Business Directory : Business Development Directory : Business Development in Malvern : Business Development in Worcestershire