Ref No. B 128651

The Craft Club

15 Church View, Stoke Row, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, RG9 5QP

Introducing the new and exciting after school art & craft club... The aim of The Craft Club is to bring the incredibly exciting world of art to the children in a fun and informative way, exploring materials and techniques as only children can... with valour! The sessions run for an hour after school, on school premises. The session plans are carefully crafted to ensure classes are engaged and focused for the whole session time. The Craft Club has been running successfully for over three years and has developed into a brand that is known and respected by Head Teachers, Board of Governors and the local community, not only because of the high quality materials used but more importantly because of the content and delivery of each session. We will help ensure you maintain this high standard for your success, get you up and running in your area. The only attributes you need is an interest of all things arty and a gift for working with children. To start your own exciting Craft Club with ongoing support the cost is a one off Start-up Package of £395.00 and then a £10.00 a month Support Plan. Visit our website for full details...

after school club part time work part time job term time job be your own boss The Craft Club Reading Oxfordshire After School Activities
The Craft Club are listed in; Oxfordshire Business Directory : Reading Business Directory : After School Activities Directory : After School Activities in Reading : After School Activities in Oxfordshire

The Craft Club
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