Ref No. B 125984

infinity tattooing

111 westgate st
01452 502022

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Infinity Tattooing is a state of the art Tattoo studio, offering artistic tattooing and cosmetic tattooing and piercing we have two tattooist , Ty Bowers with 30+ years in the tattoo business , also Darryl B with 20+years in tattooing a multi award winning artist , TY Bowers also does the piercing with over 15 years + experance in piercing you will find a warm welcome from Vickie our shop manager (slave) so why not come in and have a chat about your tattoo and piercing requirements

tattoos piercing cosmetic tattooing art work jewellery infinity tattooing Gloucester Gloucestershire Tattooist
infinity tattooing are listed in; Gloucestershire Business Directory : Gloucester Business Directory : Tattooist Directory : Tattooist in Gloucester : Tattooist in Gloucestershire

infinity tattooing
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