Ref No. B 120962
Lilac Blue Gifts, London, sell authentic Hermes handbags - Hermes Birkin Handbags, Hermes Kelly Handbags, including Calf Leather Hermes bags, Ostrich Skin Hermes bags and Crocodile Skin Hermes bags (usually Porosus). Some nearly new Hermes bags are also often available as well as some other rare, expensive and collectable handbags from other top fashion designers. We provide a full international delivery service as well as private viewing at our London boutique. Lilac Blue sell only genuine Hermes handbags. If you are interested in acquiring one of the most famous handbags in the world, please visit us at
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Lilac Blue are listed in; London Business Directory : London Business Directory : Fashion Accessories Directory : Fashion Accessories in London : Fashion Accessories in London